Budnost naspram svijeta, života i vlastitih interpretacija istog te minuciozno traganje za medijem i načinima prijenosa zapaženoga i osviještenoga u materiju jest dominantni pristup stvaralačkom činu Ellis Learbuch. Iznimna se pozornost poklanja promišljanju o mogućnostima oblikovanja i prezentacije kako bi se istaknulo ono što izmiče svakodnevnom oku.
U predstavljenim ciklusima: Captured Summer, Captured Green, Dawn in Zagreb i Captured Fragments, odabirom kadriranja kao istraživačke metode Learbuch otkriva metaformu: ono što se krije iza forme, što leži iza sadržaja ili se izdiže ponad viđenog/izrečenog.
The dominant approach to Ellis Learbuch’s creative act is vigilance towards the world, life, and one’s interpretations of it, along with a meticulous search for the medium and ways to translate the observed and realized into matter. Ellis Learbuch pays exceptional attention to exploring the possibilities of design and presentation, aiming to bring to light what is not readily visible.
In the presented cycles: Captured Summer, Captured Green, Dawn in Zagreb, and Captured Fragments, Learbuch is using framing as a research method, by which she uncovers hidden meanings and content that transcend what is visible or spoken.