5 Ways to Stay Sober at Parties This Summer

basic tips for sober summer parties and bbqs

During treatment, you should have learned a bit about your personal triggers. When it comes time to participate in summer festivities, you should avoid the things that might tempt you. If avoiding drinking is difficult for you, don’t go to parties where alcohol is readily available.

Understand Your Triggers

  • “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” By informing your support resources about your intention to enjoy specific summer events, they can prepare themselves to support you.
  • When you quit drinking, though, it’s like they’ve never happened.
  • If someone pressures you to drink or engage in other risky behaviors, calmly but firmly explain why that won’t work for your new lifestyle.
  • While alcohol and summertime socialization may go hand in hand for many individuals, this combination can prove tempting for people recovering from addiction.
  • Recognizing these challenges, at   Greenbriar Treatment Center we are dedicated to supporting individuals through these potentially difficult times.

In some cases, if you’re worried about having fun, making sure you have a role in the BBQ can also help a great deal. For example, making sure you’re helping prepare food or doing the grilling means you’ll have something to do and a constant stream of people to talk to. When the weather gets warmer and pools open https://ecosoberhouse.com/ up, it can be a very enjoyable and relaxing time. Then you get your first BBQ invitation, one of perhaps many over the summer months. While exciting, this can become stressful if you are in recovery and sticking to sobriety. Here are some tips for success and surviving in your sobriety over the summer months.

basic tips for sober summer parties and bbqs

Set Event Participation Time Limits

In this article, Avenues Recovery Center presents some tips to help you do summer, sober! Bringing a sober buddy or making a commitment to be sober with someone else there can help with that a great deal. For example, agreeing to stay sober with someone else at the party suddenly removes the peer pressure to drink, it removes the feeling of being alone, and it means you’ll have social pressure to not drink. If you bring someone from AA or who is also in recovery, you can also talk to them if you end up experiencing cravings or having trouble with your commitment to not drink. We also facilitate the sharing of information that improves the general public’s understanding of addiction, sobriety, sober living, and related information.

Things To Do in NYC at Night for Non-Drinkers

basic tips for sober summer parties and bbqs

You don’t need to talk about your recovery journey or addiction treatment unless you feel comfortable doing so, a simple but clear response is valid enough. There are parties, family gatherings, barbecue outings and concerts, and most of these get-togethers offer alcohol. If this is your first sober summer, it’s important to know that it will be different than past summers, but that doesn’t mean it will be any less eventful or fun. When you or a loved one is facing the challenges of remaining sober during these times, there are steps you can take that will help.

basic tips for sober summer parties and bbqs

The more time you spend with others who practice alcohol abstinence, and the more you focus on hobbies that help with your summer recovery, the easier it can be for you to have a sober summer with plenty of fun. There are all kinds of great experiences available that couple summer and sobriety, so you can fully enjoy all the warm weather has to offer. Summer is a challenging time for people in recovery since how to survive summer parties and boozy bbqs people often have more free time, and there are numerous events or parties involving alcohol. Stay focused in the present, dedicated to your recovery and optimistic about the future to help you stay sober during the summer months. Maintaining access to your friends, family members, sponsor or other support network members can help you stay sober in the summer and support you during a difficult time.

Here are 8 tips to help you retain your sobriety while also having some hot fun in the summertime. If you know what your triggers are, you’ll have a better way to cope with them as they crop up, even at a party. For example, if you know that you crave alcohol after smelling beer, you know that you shouldn’t go to a barbeque except for a sober one. If you know that you have trouble saying no to people offering you alcohol, you know that you have to discuss sobriety with everyone upfront before the party starts.

Spend Time Outdoors

The most important thing is that you stick to your goals of living a sober life. Hopefully, you’ll be able to enjoy social events like BBQs without compromising your desire to quit drinking. Summer parties can be enjoyed to the fullest without the need for alcohol or drugs.

basic tips for sober summer parties and bbqs

basic tips for sober summer parties and bbqs